First Ladies of the Round Table are spiritual leaders taking charge of their cities regardless of the pressure, willing to pay the price in effort and sacrifice through fasting and praying, taking advice and criticism in an effort to improve, and being humble and gracious to those they serve.

Met with our amazing former Texas State Representative and friend District Judge Larry Phillips to discuss the details of proposed bill P.A.S.S. 4 L.i.F.E. Let us pray for its success.
T​hank you for taking the time to listen to my heart and concerns about school shootings and safety, not only for me but for the innumerable set of students, teachers, faculty members, and the parents who love their children more than anything in this world 🌎. May the LORD go before you and with you in this matter and all other matters set before you.
P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E. is a student and teacher advocacy act to move to install metal detectors, at least one security officer on duty, and staff and faculty teaching and training in the event of an emergency 🚨 . Please pray as we move forward concerning this matter and please SUPPORT this action.
For more information regarding our school safety and protection defense go to P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E.CAUSES TAB and download the document attached.
Sign and return to: First Ladies of the Round Table * P.O. BOX 624 * Whitewright, TX 75491

Announcing this years PHILANTHROPY AWARD 2023-24

Congratulations to our PHILANTHROPY AWARD 2022 Recipient