Student & Teacher Advocacy
P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E’s mission is to help school’s increase their public safety awareness by implementing resources, tools, and training and education that will enhance and provide a safer and more secure environment that will keep both students and staff safe. Because of the increasing dangers that exist in today's society, it would behoove every school district to become PROACTIVE and provide a safer and more secure environment for students and staff during campus hours.
P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E. proposes that each school district move to take immediate and necessary actions to pursue and ensure the protection of student and staff life by providing the following:
1. Metal detectors installed at each entrance
2. The hire for at least one on duty security officer during school hours and events
3. Hall phones
4. Security cameras stationed at every entrance/exit level and around campus
5. Install bulletproof windows on every classroom door
6. Install bulletproof windows on outside ground level classroom windows
7. Install automatic lock-down security doors for each classroom
8. Training scenario activities and drills to enhance the effectiveness of first-responders to active
shooting attacks, as well as, prepare and educate students in the event a real life situation occurs
**Below is our letter you can DOWNLOAD to SIGN THE PETITION P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E.
**You can download and print the document by click the DOWNLOAD BUTTON below.

Please let us know if you have chosen to adopt this campaign by emailing us at firstladies@firstladiesoftheroundtable.com.
Support us by "LIKING" our Facebook page at P.A.S.S. 4L.i.F.E. We'd love to hear from you.

First Ladies of the Round Table
Narda Goodson, CEO/Founder
P.O. Box 624 * Whitewright, Texas 75491 * www.FirstLadiesOfTheRoundTable.com
P.A.S.S. 4L.I.F.E