
Listed within the sub-tabs, you will find links to various Causes/Petitions that FLRT endorses and support. If you have a Cause or any Petitions currently pending that you would like to submit for review to be placed on our site, please click the contact button to email us with your information Subject Line: "Causes/Petitions".
Upon approval, we will provide you with a confirmation email, a link on this page, a free AD page for your Cause, and links to your website and Facebook pages. We will also include a link for printable documents should you need signatures for your petition. If you do not have a Facebook Page but would like one, we can provide that too. We graciously ask that you support our Facebook Page below as our goal is to impact our nation one city at a time.
*Please note that all Causes/Petitions are subject for review and we reserve the right to deny any cause for any reason, with or without reason or that does not meet with our Biblical standard and/or terms. Use of our Cause platform is for network purposes only and a way make your organization information available to others. We make no promise of grand exposure, followers, or monies. The use of our site is to simply share your organization. We make no claim to photo(s) or anything used by you or your organization. By submitting your information and photo(s) to us through emails, Facebook Messages, phone, or through our contact form here on our site, you claim you have rights to use said photo(s). You and your organization, therefore, release and absolve First Ladies of the Round Table and those working behind the scenes from any and all claims and law suit rising against unauthorized use of photos and/or anything else about your organization posted here. By submitting your Cause, you agree that you have read this notice and agree to be bound by them.
To SUBMIT a CAUSE, click here.